Fire Sprinkler Systems for Furniture Mart
Western States Fire Protection Co. has just finished installing a wet pipe sprinkler system in Nebraska Furniture Mart™’s Kansas City, Kansas store. Joe DePriest and his crew of up to five people worked hard to get this project done in less than six months.
The 357,505 square foot warehouse addition from 262,000 square feet to 622,000 square feet provides an additional 3 million cubic feet of storage capacity.
Stretching 80 acres across the expansive crossroad of 1-70 and 1-435, Nebraska Furniture Mart™’s Kansas City addition is truly awesome in size, selection, innovation and convenience. Once final construction is complete the warehouse will grow from 34 to 100 dock doors to handle inbound and outbound freight.
“This expansion is another indication of the strength and regional drawing power of Nebraska Furniture Mart™ and this destination shopping and entertainment area” explains Joe Reardon, Mayor and CEO of Unified Government of Wyandotte County, Kansas City, Kansas.
Western States Fire Protection Co. installed four wet pipe systems with 1630 heads at the roof and four wet pipe in-rack systems with 6897 sprinklers into the high bay building.